Activation (Shutsugeki 出撃) is the tenth episode of the Accel World Anime. It aired June 15th 2012 in Japan.
After having another misunderstanding cleared up for her, Chiyu expresses and interest in becoming a Burst Linker. As Kuroyukihime explains how the ability to give someone a copy of Brain Burst and become their guardian can only be used once, Haru becomes intrigued as to who her guardian was. When asked, Kuroyukihime only replies that it is someone who betrayed her trust, also explaining how a relationship between guardian and protegé is different from others. Later that day, Haru, Kuroyukihime, Takumu and Yuniko gather together and enter the Unlimited Neutral Field to search for Chrome Disaster. As they make their ways towards them, they are ambushed by a group of Burst Linkers led by the Yellow King, Yellow Radio.